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Haivision Launches the Calypso Enterprise Video Platform

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超越端点编码器,进一步进入媒体资产空间, 海视正在为企业推出一个中央媒体中心,它被称为Calypso企业视频平台, an extension of the existing Calypso product line.

海视视Calypso EVP是公司可以管理的集中枢纽, store, and share live and on-demand video. 该公司的目标是任何需要向整个组织的员工提供视频资产的企业.

随着公司迁移到Calypso软件的第二个版本, 它的定位不仅仅是一款大规模录音产品. Calypso的最初版本被宣传为一种在可用性实验室等环境中实现高性能企业记录和审查的方式, focus groups, and training facilities. The new EVP product, an extension of Calypso, 允许员工访问直播和点播内容.

“Calypso for us is the go-forward platform,” says Peter Maag, chief marketing officer at Haivision, 指的是该公司几年前收购视频炉. “我们最初将Calypso定位为一款大规模录音产品, 但让我们感到兴奋的是,Calypso正在成为一种在组织内交付实时和按需资产的方式.”

In a news release, 海威视表示,新的Calypso执行副总裁将专注于业务连续性的四个关键领域:认证, compliance features, content curation, and search. In addition, 该公司表示,Calypso将提供多位置支持和所谓的“模拟多播”."

According to Maag, 公司想要一个可控的环境来发布视频, guarantee they’ve been watched, 并使用它来获得或维持ISO或类似的合规认证.

马格说:“你听说过视频将成为新文档的口号,但这不是真的。. 视频和文档的区别:你可以确信视频至少在员工的屏幕上连续播放.”

海视设计这个平台是为了解决大多数公司在内部视频传输方面面临的挑战, so it comes with strong multi-location support.

“公司可以很容易地将视频分发到多个地点,”马格说. “将视频观看体验扩展到任何办公室,而无需大量网络负载, Calypso解决方案允许公司创建自己的交付网络,这样每个员工都可以直接从他们的桌面和移动设备上观看视频.”

企业客户通过选择流媒体模式来控制网络视频传输, such as unicast, multicast, or simulated multicast.

“We’re playing in our customers’ sandbox, so they can choose to do their own multicast, simulated multicast, or even unicast,” Maag notes. “Unicast and simulated multicast are natively supported. 在未来,我们计划在Calypso中支持本地多播.”

Haivision使用RTMFP,内部支持模拟组播. 但马格表示,目标是提供尽可能多的选择.

马格说:“我们在安全多播方面有着悠久的历史,而Calypso有直接的单播。. “With the Calypso EVP, 我们支持基于内置Flash Player技术的基于播放器的流复制,该技术可在浏览器中工作. 客户不需要购买任何特定的第三方基础设施, since it is a complete Haivision solution.”


“Calypso EVP具有当前基于浏览器的移动交付的移动认证, 但我们计划在六周内推出原生Calypso应用程序, for both Android and iOS devices," Maag says.

管理员可以与个人或组共享内容. “Based on their roles and responsibilities, they can even establish different privileges, such as viewing, downloading, sharing, or even editing," Maag adds.


马格说:“内容管理员可以很容易地组织视频,让员工有效地浏览. 这包括专题频道和“不容错过”的视频.

Calypso supports extensive metadata, search, and filtering, 帮助用户找到视频,甚至视频中的特定时刻.

“在过去的几年里,我们已经看到Calypso在微应用程序中使用,”Maag说. “基于文件、热点标记和实时内容元数据在按需观看内容时都很有用. But our background in live encoding means that, from a metadata and search standpoint, 我们将点播和直播内容视为生态系统中平等的公民.”

Maag所说的热标记指的是书签、视频内标签或评论. Real-time metadata is accessible within live streams.

“‘YouTube for the Enterprise’有点吓人,”马格补充道. “It brings to mind the idea of many, many videos being recorded and uploaded, which means the important videos may be lost or buried. Proper search and curation help solve that issue.”

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