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Video: What is the Best Way to Move Streams Across Unmanaged Networks?

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马哈茂德·Al-Daccak: 环境决定技术, 而不是反过来, and use-case dictates technology and 而不是反过来. So in all our products we use the usual Dash, HLS, and all these delivery mechanisms. At the same time transport streams remains 真的 like SDI distribution for broadcasters' transport streams for streaming. We decided that we need to move that reliably across unmanaged networks and whatnot. We had SRT (Secure Reliable Transport), which we use to protect the streams from packet loss and network conditions and whatnot, 同时确保它首尾相连.

That's the use case where you have from the originating point to the destination over SRT as potentially a replacement for a transport stream unreliable over EDP or an RTMP that suffers possibly from not high-efficiency of using the pipe. There's some latency introduced in there, the lack of support of multitrack audio, 例如, 诸如此类.

再一次。, I go back to it's 真的 the use case that dictates what are you going to wrap your streams in. The same thing I would like to circle back, if I may, a little bit into the CPU, GPU, 诸如此类. 再一次。, I think environment dictates the technology. I think we're fortunate enough to be playing with devices--either there are portable devices that they need to fit in constrained spaces or servers fitting in data centers, 因此, 真的, we look at the technology as what can it enable me. So, we use ASICs where we have to use ASICs. Whatever the technology is, it doesn't matter.

然而, 同时, we use FPGAs where we need to use FPGAs, whether it is in a portable device or in data centers. We're fairly advanced in using FPGAs in those instances, they're giving us great advantages. I think that where density matters, they might definitely trump CPUs. 然而, in certain boxes, we do leverage the CPU and the GPU however it is. In one box, actually, we leverage both--an ASIC CPU base and a GPU--just to get 4Kp60 for H.264和HEVC.

I fully value the Vanguard codec for sure. 当我们开始的时候, 再一次。, we started testing five different codecs on CPUs, and we wanted to use a codec that was able to service from 300 kilobits for 720, 信不信由你, 到50兆的高清或4K. 为那, we went with x265 and we worked very, very closely with them to actually exploit the codec to the extent possible to serve our purpose.

再一次。, I go back to it's not 真的 about the technology, it's how can I exploit whatever is available to me, a codec from a vendor or a hardware from another vendor to service my use cases, 有时是独一无二的.

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